
All the Tools You Need to Collect, Manage, and Act on User Feedback

Feedback Boards

Create public and private feedback boards to gather and organize user feedback seamlessly. Public boards engage your users openly, while private boards allow you to manage sensitive feedback securely.

Product Roadmap

Visualize and share your product development process with an interactive roadmap. Keep your users informed about upcoming features and improvements, helping them understand your product's direction and priorities.


Keep users informed about new features and improvements with a beautiful and engaging feed of updates. Announce new features, bug fixes, and other changes in an organized manner, ensuring transparency and building trust with your user community.

Feature Voting

Engage users, team members, or stakeholders by allowing them to upvote feedback. Prioritize feature requests based on real user demand and make informed decisions about what to build next.


Ensure quality and relevance by moderating user submissions. Manually review and approve new posts and comments to maintain a high standard of feedback and prevent spam or inappropriate content.

Custom Statuses

Create and manage custom statuses to reflect your unique workflow. Customize status labels to fit your process and keep everyone informed about the progress of each feedback item.

Private or Public

Create either public or private boards to suit your needs. Public boards increase transparency and user engagement, while private boards keep sensitive feedback restricted to specific users or teams.

Custom Domain

Use your custom domain or our default URL for your feedback boards. Maintain brand consistency and provide a seamless experience for your users by hosting feedback on your own domain.

Anonymous Mode

Allow users to submit feedback anonymously, reducing barriers to entry and encouraging more honest and open feedback from your users.

Internal Comments

Make private internal comments visible only to your team. Collaborate and discuss feedback internally without exposing these discussions to your users.


Add posts to public categories for better organization and filtering. Help users find relevant feedback quickly and easily by categorizing posts based on topics or features.


Use tags to give your posts structure and improve organization. Apply tags to feedback posts for easier sorting, filtering, and prioritization by your team.

Estimated Dates

Communicate estimated launch dates to manage user expectations. Provide users with a timeline for when they can expect new features or improvements, helping to build anticipation and trust.

Vote on Behalf

Add users as voters to feedback manually to reflect true support. Ensure all voices are heard by voting on behalf of users who support an idea but haven't cast their vote.

Pin a Post

Pin important messages, instructions, or links to the top of your board. Highlight key information to ensure it’s always visible to your users.

Disable New Suggestion Button

Allow users to only upvote and comment on existing ideas by disabling new suggestions. Focus feedback on current ideas to streamline the feedback process and avoid duplication.

Ban Users

Remove troublemakers and delete all their spam content at once. Maintain a positive and constructive feedback environment by managing disruptive users effectively.

Custom Branding

Reflect your brand with custom logos, domains, and theme colors. Personalize your feedback boards to align with your company’s identity and provide a cohesive user experience.

Email Reports

Receive weekly email reports on your board's activity to stay informed. Get a condensed update of exactly what happened on your boards and keep track of feedback trends.

Status Updates

Keep users engaged with automated status updates sent via email. Provide instant updates on the status of their feedback and feature requests, keeping the communication loop open and active.

Email Notifications

Automatically notify users about progress and changes via automated email notifications. Keep users informed and engaged with timely updates on their feedback and feature requests.

Store Internal Notes

Record sensitive information within private fields, keeping it in context with user requests. Maintain internal notes without exposing them to the public.

Custom Email Domains

Use your own email domain for sending notifications. Maintain brand consistency and ensure your communications align with your company identity.

Custom Fields

Create and manage custom fields to store essential data specific to your needs. FeedbackChimp helps you track, organize, and centralize information, keeping everything important in one convenient place.

Password-Protected Boards

Enhance privacy by securing your FeedbackChimp board with a password. Only users with the password can access your board, ensuring that your feedback remains confidential and controlled.

Anonymous Voting

Allow users to vote and contribute to your feedback board without revealing their identity. Enable anonymous voting to give your users the freedom to share their opinions privately.

Restrict Access by Domain

Limit access to your board by specifying allowed domains. Only users from the designated domains can access the board and submit feedback, ensuring that participation is restricted to your chosen audience.

Single Sign-On

Seamlessly connect your existing user accounts to your feedback board, ensuring that you always know who is contributing. Simplify the login process and enhance security by enabling single sign-on.


Communicate effectively with users by speaking their language. With support for over 10 languages, your feedback board is accessible to a global audience.

Follow Discussions

Keep users engaged by letting them subscribe to posts of interest. They’ll receive email notifications for new comments and status updates, ensuring they stay informed and connected to the discussions that matter most to them.


Connect Feedbackchimp with your favorite tools like Google Analytics, Fathom, Matomo, and Plausible. Easily integrate feedback into your existing workflow, allowing you to track and analyze board traffic across all platforms.

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