Experience FeedbackChimp in Action
Explore how FeedbackChimp’s tools for feedback management, roadmaps, and updates can transform your product development process.
Feedback management & bug reports
Capture and discuss product ideas with users through our feedback boards and in-app widgets.
Feedback board
Create a community where users can request, vote, and comment on features or ideas.
In-app feedback widget
Collect feedback and bug reports directly within your app using an embeddable widget with screenshot capabilities.
Changelog & product updates
Keep users informed and boost feature adoption with changelogs and email notifications.
Changelog widget & popup
Showcase new updates directly within your product with an embeddable changelog dropdown and popup.
Public changelog page
A standalone changelog page, showing all your product updates. Easily customizable & sharable.
Changelog emails
Automatically send email notifications to users alongside changelog updates.